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How to Get Things in Control with Dr. Lara Pence
Apply Discipline & Achieve Your Goals with Dr. Lara Pence, Win The Mental Game Pt 1 / DEKA
UNDERSTANDING YOUR GREATEST SELF: a year long journey with dr. lara pence
Building Resilience Around Stress with Dr. Lara Pence
Dr Lara Pence - The psychology of overcoming obstacles
Dr. Lara Pence on Mental Health and Curiosity
Mini: Getting Less Isolated with Dr. Lara Pence
ep. 46: thinking patterns that keep you stuck
ep. 07: what are your core beliefs?
Dr. Lara Pence, Spartan Race's Chief Mind Doctor
ep. 05: knowing your values
The Importance of Your Contribution with Dr. Lara Pence / Spartan Mind